Online Wellness Check-in

Apart from our regular sessions, we are offering a 25min online wellness check in. We hope this will be a great way to access mental health services while social distancing or in quarantine.
To schedule sessions please visit:
To select a specific therapist, just click on their name and only their availbale times will be displayed.
You can check out our team here:
You will then be asked to fill in our online contract:
Then you will get an email with a link to our online waiting room. When your time slot comes up, your real life therapist will invite you to their virtual office & start a video chat for your wellness check in!!
*Sessions are $30 Including tax and can be claimed as Psychotherapy with your insurance (receipt sent via email)
*Payment via etransfer to
* Because our therapists are art therapists (as well as psychotherapists), we will ask you to have a pen and paper handy (just to add a touch of creativity to your session)!




Info on insurance providers and funding accepted can be found under the Pricing section or by contacting us. *Ottawa Art Therapy now has the option of direct billing



Currently offering TEEN THRIVE



Ottawa Art Therapy offers sessions for all individuals AND groups! If you, your child, your family, or your organization is interested in Art Therapy, please contact us.


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© Ottawa Art Therapy